Brian Osborne anxiously watched two close friends learn their fate as Bachelorette Andi Dorfman handed out her final rose at the live finale in Los Angeles Monday.

The Trinity High School assistant basketball coach, who lives in Harrisburg, signed up to be a contestant on "The Bachelorette" to find love, but was eliminated in the June 30 episode. Instead, he found lasting friendships with the 24 other men who were vying for Andi's heart throughout season 10, including finalists Nick and Josh.
Nick or Josh?
Osborne said he formed close friendships with both finalists, so he would have been happy to see either one win the final rose. Josh was one of Osborne's closest friends while they were filming the show. But since the show has ended, Osborne said he has formed a closer friendship with Nick.
"When it comes down to it, I wasn't rooting for one person," Osborne explained during an interview Thursday. "I was rooting for Andi to be happy."
Andi gave her final rose to Josh, the stereotypical athlete that she usually dates, and left Nick, the guy who was out of her comfort zone, heartbroken.
"It was tough. She was making a decision based on her head and her heart and . . . I think she picked the right guy," Osborne said.
Nick's Fantasy Suite Date Comment
Nick, however, wasn't sure that Josh was the right choice. At the finale, Nick finally got the opportunity to ask Andi some lingering questions he had about their breakup. One of those questions had to do with the fantasy suite date. Nick said he couldn't understand why Andi made love to him if she never actually loved him.
This comment, made on national television, shocked everyone. Andi called the comment "below the belt" during the finale episode.
But Osborne defended Nick, even though he agreed there may have been a better time and place for that discussion.
So if you’re a woman, it’s best not to enter the Bacheloruniverse. Talk of sex is frowned upon, but inevitable. Though the show itself doesn’t encourage slut-shaming—Juan Pablo did that all on his own—clearly the audience wants to use the show as a platform for slut-shaming, as happened with Nick this season. After 12 years, tacit agreements about avoiding sex talk are breaking down. Will anyone try to “pull a Nick” next season and bring up sex or even use sex talk as a strategy? Will the producers embrace this brave new world of candidness? If so, talking heads like Bob Beckel will be waiting in the weeds, ready to cry “slut.”
"I thought it was a bold move," Osborne said Thursday. "But, you know what? He just experienced heartbreak and he still had questions that needed to be answered. In a normal relationship, you're going to ask some questions like that."
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Nick told Osborne after the show that he finally got the closure he needed.
Andi and Josh
While Nick isn't exactly thrilled about Andi's engagement to Josh, Osborne said he's very happy for the couple.
"The way Josh came out and sat with Andi and the way they carried themselves through the 30 minutes they were on stage, you could tell they were madly in love with each other," Osborne said.
After the show, Osborne said he hugged both Josh and Andi and congratulated them.
"You got a great guy in Josh, and I told you when I left that you deserved the best, and that's what you got. I'm very proud of you," Osborne told Andi.
Brian for Bachelor?
Harrison is still holding off on announcing who will be the next Bachelor. Osborne may still be in the running, however, he said he hasn't spoken to producers about the show in a while.
Chris Soules, the farmer from Iowa who made it to the final three, is also in the running.
"I know for a fact that Chris was asked to interview and sit down with producers," Osborne confirmed. "I think Chris is one of the best guys I've ever met in my entire life. I think it would be pretty hard to find love in Iowa, so I think he deserves it a lot more than I do."